In the Media
Roundhouse Round Up
From the Junee Independent 22 June 2023
Harry Porter, ex-Signalman Junee, enjoys seeing the photos of the signal equipment being shown to him by Noelene Milliken. Both Harry and Noelene are volunteers at the Roundhouse.
Junee Roundhouse Rail Museum volunteers, Rita Broad, Gail Commens and Noreen Deacon, continue to find ways of displaying the rich rail history of Junee. Photos that have been placed in albums are now being reviewed and many are now on display in newly acquired cabinets. Stories that go with the photos are also being told. Many visitors are quite astonished that a special train would take locals to a football match. The Maher Cup photos show men and women dressed up and heading off to the game. Many of those depicted are known but a few still require names, so if you or a member of your family, are some of the fortunate football fans to board the Maher Cup Special, we would love to hear from you.
Photos show the many and varied activities that people were engaged in while working for the NSWGR and much of the story could be lost without them. Other wonderful photos of the part that Junee played in World War II are coming to light. Meals by the thousand served up at the Railway Café to the troops passing through. Engines that have a particular significance for Junee as they were housed here and drivers will tell us of their idiosyncrasies and the derring do needed to keep them puffing. The photos are a rich source of social history and are a delight for those who for whatever reason are able to share memories of them.
So if you are having a clean out and find old railway photos (or other memorabilia) think about the Roundhouse Museum as a possible future home for them. Your gifts are very much appreciated.